Analys av forwardlog

Revision 2007-01-25

fwaudit -rvv -e'FRBAS-1.FORETAG and FORETAGSNR="14147"' *audit | less

fwaudit -rvv -e'OIBAS-1.INV-HYLLA and ARTIKELNR="11150"' *audit | less

[root@systemq tar_fwlog]# fwaudit -rvv -e'OIBAS-1.INV-HYLLA' *2008*audit | less

[root@systemq tar_fwlog]# fwaudit -rvv -e'OIBAS-1.INV-HYLLA' *200804*audit > INV-HYLLA-200804

Zip-filen ligger i under SystemQ/tools
Instruktion från Marxmeier:070125
We have a tool that we use for internal diagnostics, it is called
"fwdump". It prints the contents of a forward-log file and could
be helpful in your context. It also provides simple filter options.

I attached a ZIP file that contains fwdump both for the Linux and
Windows platforms.

-help   - show usage (this list)
-v      - display details
-n id   - filter records for specific node#
-t f:t  - filter records from:to time (specified in seconds)
-s f:t  - filter records from:to sequence id
-y f:t  - filter records from:to transaction id
-r rec  - filter records by specific record number
-p num  - filter records for physical page (implies -a)
-a      - display all entry types (by default only IMAGE like
          operations are displayed)
-M file - specifies file name of node name map (dbdumpcat -nt20)

To view all actions regarding a specific data set and record number,
use the -n and -r options.

First, use dbdumpcat -t20 to find the node id for the data set. The
node id is output in the first column. For example:

#20 sysobjects (6202 entries)
|id  |type|name                |link|
|128 |2   |PPS6                |0   |
|202 |3   |TEXTDATEI           |128 |
|203 |4   |TEXTDATEI.ITEXTNR   |128 |
|204 |4   |TEXTDATEI.ISPRACHE  |128 |
|205 |3   |KUNDEN              |128 |
|206 |4   |KUNDEN.IKUNDNR      |128 |
|207 |4   |KUNDEN.ISUCHNAM     |128 |

The line with node id #128 indicates a database named "PPS6"
(if the "link" is zero this is a database node).

The lines below "PPS6" show data set and indexes that belong
to this database (the "link" refers to the id of the database

Data sets have type "3" and indexes have type "4".

Therefore, the data set "PPS6.TEXTDATEI" has the node id #202
and the data set "PPS6.KUNDEN" has the node id #205.

Once you know the node id of the data set you want to examine,
use it with the fwdump -n option such as:

 fwdump -n 202 -r 87654 FORWARDLOGFILE

where "87654" is the record number you are investigating and
"FORWARDLOGFILE" is the name of a forward-log file, such as

With best regards,
Roland Genske

Affärssystem SystemQ Handbok